Air Quality
The central area of Marlow is in an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). The AQMA boundary incorporates the main vehicle routes into Marlow from the A404, including the High Street and A4155.
The 2023 Air Quality report is now due.
It is expected that Marlow will be within the set target. Following a Freedom of Information request made to Buckinghamshire Council, by a local resident Nick Rowcliffe, ahead of official publication, it can be confirmed that in 2023 the worst reading in Marlow was 33.1 ug/m3. So, Marlow is now below the 40 ug/m3 objective. It is therefore quite possible that Marlow will cease to be an AQMA.
The Society’s position is for:
An increased level of monitoring and communication on air quality.
Better enforcement of, for example, deliveries during restricted times, and running engines when parked.
A reduction in the number of vehicles.
A 20 mph speed limit in the AQMA.
The provision of additional electric charging points
Increase bus activity as per previous service levels.

Marlow AQMA Map
22/12/2017 - Air Quality Management Area
High Street - between Station Road/ Pound Lane roundabout and West Street/ Spittal Street roundabout
West Street - between High Street/ Spittal Street roundabout and Westwood Road
Spittal Street, Chapel Street, Little Marlow Road - between Chapel Street and Foxes Piece School
Areas of land to either side of the carriageway on the aforementioned roads